• #TMBC18Awards
    Talent Match Black Country 2018 Awards & Celebration

  • WHEN: 10 October 2018
    WHERE: Molineux Stadium, Wolverhampton
    CLIENT: Talent Match Black Country

#TMBC18awards was Talent Match Black Country’s (TMBC) 5th annual awards and celebration evening, recognising not only the exceptional progress of the TM young people but also celebrating the invaluable mentor and partner support. The awards evening is yet another example of how much TMBC values partnerships with the wider local business, education and voluntary sector community.

This year saw a record number of attendees, with over 220 young people, business representatives and mentors along with family and friends, joining us in celebrating a great year of achievements. Sameena Ali-Khan from ITV Central led the proceedings, first introducing TMBC Chair, Professor Ian Oakes (also Deputy Vice Chancellor Research & External Engagement at University of Wolverhampton). Jake Inscoe, Co-Chair of Steering Group, shared his ‘Journey to Brightness’ and his experiences as a young person in the Central Hub. 

TMBC supports a large number of young people to overcome challenges in their daily lives. An insight into their journeys was delivered through an emotional performance by TMBC hub, Gazebo. The 20 minute sketch featuring TM mentees showed the audience how working together can break down barriers of race, mental health, gender, sexuality and upbringing. TM mentees, Ibrahim Zakari, Amy and Abigail Hill and Kyrie Gough, also shared their moving stories live on stage. Conversations between TMBC young people were filled with emotional charge and left audiences searching for tissues! Ian Darch, Chief Executive of WVSC, closed the evening emphasising the potential for positive, fulfilling futures for all young people in the Black Country.

OD&V collaborated with TMBC on programme development in addition to operations & logistics management. The event was delivered with the support of OD&V partners: Quadrant Events AV & Production, Steve Pitt Graphic Design, Highfields Photography, Stone’s Throw Media and Mercian AV’s ‘Magic Mirror’. This year’s sponsors and supporters included Ark Consultancy, Black Country Chamber of Commerce, Fairway Training (Healthcare) Ltd, Just Straight Talk, Juniper Training, Midland Metro Alliance, University of Wolverhampton and Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council.


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